As well as needing accurate spelling in the CPE Writing Paper, you know that exam candidates will lose marks for incorrect spelling in the Listening and Use of English Papers too. So What techniques do teachers and examiners recommend to improve spelling?
1. Read, read, read ... is the first recommendation. Reading in English really will improve your ability to spell so try and look at a newspaper, magazine or even a website each day.
2. Practise with a friend. Choose a short paragraph from a book or newspaper and ask your friend to dictate it to you (i.e. read it out loud) so you can transcribe what he or she has said. You can check against the original text for accuracy.By the way, if you've ever wondered what some of the most commonly-misspelled English words are then take a look at the following list:
accidentally, advice (noun), affect (verb), beginning, believe, benefit, deceive, definite, describe, disappoint, effect, existence, humorous, immediately, led, lose (verb), marriage, necessary, occurred, playwright, preceding, prejudice, principal, privilege, pursue, repetition, rhyme, rhythm, ridiculous, separate, siege, similar, undoubtedly, until
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