The reading paper, which consists of four parts, will include a range of texts including fiction and non-fiction, magazine and newspaper articles, advertisements, etc. It is vital that you read as widely as possible during your CPE preparation, not only to familiarise yourself with these text types but also to build knowledge of vocabulary which you will need to pass the examination.
Part 1: Multiple Choice Cloze Lexical Cloze
You will have to answer 18 questions based on 3 unrelated short texts. Each question requires you to complete gaps in the texts with a word or phrase. This task tests your knowledge of idioms, collocations phrasal verbs and set expressions. In your preparation for CPE, you should get into the habit of recording vocabulary 'chunks' rather than individual words. In your reading try spotting the fixed expressions and make a mental note at least of those that catch your eye. Try using one or two of them each day, either in your writing or in conversation. This will help you remember them and also confirm that you are using them correctly.
Part 2: Multiple Choice
In Part 2 you will read four short texts, each of which will be followed by two multiple choice questions. These will test you on your understanding of the detail, the purpose, or tone of the text, organisational features, the writer's attitude, etc. Read as often and as widely as possible. Try working with a partner and compare views on anything that you have both read.
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