Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Word Formation

Hey, guys!

What about some activities on word formation?

Today's word: "LIMIT"

1. We will offer you totally ........ access to our health club with this insurance scheme.

2. Are there any ........ as to what this new system can achieve?

3. Wind power could offer us a ........ supply of energy if only we invested more in research and development.


Patricia said...

I think the answers are:


Am I right?!!!

Levi Ramos said...

What say you, Carla? BTW, you got a medal!!!!

Keep on blogging guys!

Carla Moreira said...

Way to go, PatrĂ­cia! You're right.

Patricia said...

Levi!!!! What about my medal?!!!!!

Levi Ramos said...

Check the new posts, everyone!

You're real champions!
Let's blog away!