Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Sunday, October 11, 2009
CPE Reading
In addition, practice the skill of speed-reading:
*Try using your finger as a pointer and run it along a line of text to speed up your eye movement. This will stop you becoming too focussed on individual words and avoid 'skipping back' to previous words or phrases, a tendency we all have when we feel the need to confim we understand something.
*Try reading groups of words rather than individual words.
*Set a very short time limit to scan paragraphs for key words. Then read the text through more slowly to see if you managed to get a general understanding the first time.
*Moving your lips and mouthing the words will slow you down. Read silently with your eyes only!
Post comments asking Angela Dias any further questions and earn a medal for your relevant particpation!
Saturday, September 12, 2009
How about some challenge?
Friday, September 11, 2009
Your improved spelling could get you a higher grade
Post comments asking Angela Dias any further questions and earn a medal for your relevant particpation!
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
As you listen decide how well both Ekaterina and Teodoro respond to each other's questions and the extent to which they managed to hold a natural conversation.
Please, share your ideas in form of comments to this post. I am eager to know your impressions!
A medal will be awarded for each relevant participation!
You can listen to the recording from the link below:
Ekaterina and Teodoro
Thursday, July 09, 2009
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
a) in
b) under
c) down
If you ......... down and try to concentrate I'm sure you'll do well in your exams.
a) wrestle
b) grapple
c) knuckle
The doctor's told me to ......... it easy and to avoid stressful situations.
a) take
b) play
c) make
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
a) trick
b) show
c) act
You're going to have to ......... the nettle and speak to the boss about the problem.
a) grip
b) grasp
c) grab
We've done all we can at our end. The ball's now in your .........
a) court
b) field
c) pitch
Sunday, June 21, 2009
a) perfect
b) ideal
c) superb
I've heard their marriage is on the ........ and they're getting divorced.
a) bricks
b) stones
c) rocks
It's a match made in ........ And to think they first got together on an Internet dating agency!
a) paradise
b) heaven
c) bliss
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
a) twine
b) string
c) rope
That shop is trying to sell second-hand clothes for almost as much as if they were new. It's daylight ........!
a) robbery
b) theft
c) crime
I wouldn't pay that much. Those shoes are ten a ........ in the local market.
a) dime
b) cent
c) penny
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
a) up
b) down
c) away
You should always have regular breaks when you make long journeys or you could end up falling asleep at the .........
a) windscreen
b) pedal
c) wheel
I think it's time we made ......... I've got to be up early in the morning.
a) tracks
b) paths
c) ways
Monday, June 15, 2009
a) striding
b) walking
c) marching
Their interview process isn't at all fair. It's set up to give jobs for the ........ .
a) boys
b) chaps
c) men
Her father used to work in the same profession and taught her all the ........ of the trade.
a) topics
b) tips
c) tricks
Saturday, June 13, 2009
a) last
b) bottom
c) final
That new cafe in town must be making money hand over ........ Have you seen the queue of people they always have?
a) fist
b) palm
c) wrist
Do you know that man who's always in the club ......... his money around? Someone told me he's gone out of business.
a) passing
b) showing
c) throwing
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Crime and Punishment
a) back
b) rear
c) behind
Now, I know one of you stole the money but who is going to ........ clean and own up?
a) make
b) act
c) come
Michele has been late for work every day this week but always gets away with it scot .........
a) free
b) loose
c) light
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
a) direct
b) difficult
c) hard
Are you trying to teach your grandmother how to ........ eggs? I've been cooking this meal for longer than I can remember!
a) suck
b) blow
c) crack
I couldn't get a grant and had to work my ........ through college.
a) path
b) road
c) way
Tuesday, June 09, 2009
Health and Ilness
a) having
b) showing
c) running
Thomas took a ........ for the worse during the night but he seems to be a lot better this morning.
a) turn
b) move
c) shift
For a woman of her age she is in ........ health and a real inspiration.
a) sharp
b) impolite
c) rude
Monday, June 08, 2009
A few useful tips concerning the CPE
Arrive early
Take all the materials you need
Stay relaxed - practise deep breathing
Don't talk to other candidates about the exam
Feel confident - focus on the last time you did something well and live the feeling again
Answer the easier parts/questions first
In multiple choice questions ignore the answers you know are wrong
When you have no idea - guess!
In the Writing paper build in a few minutes to think and prepare what you are going to write
Make sure you have answered all the questions
Proofread your work for spelling, grammar, and punctuation
Fill in the answer sheets correctly and clearly
Try not to compare answers with your colleagues - it's too late to change your answer!
Go out and enjoy yourself!!
Post comments asking Angela Dias any further questions and earn a medal for your relevant particpation!
Saturday, June 06, 2009
a) park
b) court
c) field
I hate it when a local business goes belly ........ It's sad to see a small business fail.
a) out
b) over
c) up
If you want to make sure your business is running efficiently you need to get yourself a good number ........ to keep your accounts in order.
a) cruncher
b) juggler
c) squeezer
Thursday, June 04, 2009
Food and Drink
a) feed
b) wine
c) drink
The restaurant was lovely and the fish was done to a .........
a) turn
b) roll
c) twist
I told you not to put too much on your plate children. Your ........ are bigger than your belly.
a) eyes
b) mouth
c) teeth
Help needed
A little bird has told me that there seems to be an issue with the number of medals awarded so far. If that should be the case, I will deadly need your help to come up with a fair update of the list of medalists. So, please, let me know where or how it has started to go wrong.
Thanks a lot and sorry for the inconvenience!
You ROCK big time!
Wednesday, June 03, 2009
Health and Ilness
a) fix
b) repair
c) mend
I've been sitting in the same position for too long. I've got pins and ........ in my leg.
a) screws
b) needles
c) nails
Poor old Simon is in a ........ way. He sprained his ankle jogging and now can't get around at all.
a) bad
b) poor
c) ill
Tuesday, June 02, 2009
a) march
b) rampage
c) warpath
It's a good job. The boss keeps us all on our ........ but everyone is keen to do well and there's a great atmosphere.
a) toes
b) feet
c) legs
It takes courage to put your ........ on the line when there's a difficult decision to be made.
a) arm
b) body
c) neck
Monday, June 01, 2009
Happy Occasions
a) signal
b) show
c) mark
2)It's a red-........ day for the school as they've had a record number of students passing their exams!
a) letter
b) flag
c) carpet
3)Are you going to lay ........ a party for your daughter's 21st birthday?
a) in
b) on
c) out
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Possibility and Probability
a) open
b) vacant
c) free
2) Your dog ate your homework? That's a ........ story!
a) realistic
b) possible
c) likely
3)There's a ........ chance I won't be at work tomorrow. I might have to stay at home to wait for a delivery.
a) fine
b) slim
c) thin
Thursday, May 28, 2009
a) fundamentals
b) basics
c) bases
Nobody thought he would make the ........ but he surprised them all and ended up going to university.
a) grade
b) level
c) mark
I've been reading these instructions again and again but I just can't ........ my head around them.
a) put
b) get
c) make
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
a) products
b) goods
c) items
We had a salesman in the office earlier trying to give us the ........ sell with a new photocopier. We just couldn't get rid of him.
a) strong
b) heavy
c) hard
I'm enjoying having my own business but if there's one thing I hate doing it's cold ........ to try to get new orders.
a) calling
b) phoning
c) ringing
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
a) income
b) wage
c) living
If you'd like to make a ........ buck do you fancy helping me with a job on Saturday?
a) quick
b) rapid
c) speedy
We're beginning to ........ the pinch since Graham started to work part-time.
a) have
b) see
c) feel
Monday, May 25, 2009
Agreeing and Disagreeing
a) raise
b) make
c) take
This discussion could go on for hours. Shall we just agree to ........ and move on?
a) differ
b) argue
c) disagree
The two sides in the dispute are ........ odds over how to deal with the problem.
a) at
b) in
c) on
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Homework suggestions
CPE Collocations
1. Victoria has a working ........ of Chinese, which she needs for her job as an international corporate lawyer.
2. The defendant told the judge that she accepted full ........ for her actions and that she would plead guilty.
3. After William realised his mistake he was forced to ........ his pride and apologise.
4. I thought I ........ my position absolutely clear. Either he goes or I do!
5. Tanya came away from the interview with the overriding ........ that she wouldn’t get the job.
6. Although my mother’s in her seventies she is still very young at ........
7. When the shop assistant refused the customer a refund, he was met with a torrent of ........
8. The drowning boy was pulled out of the river and ........ the kiss of life by a medic.
Moods and Emotions
If you need any help just ........ the word and I'll be round immediately.
a) speak
b) say
c) utter
Look, if there's something the matter just get it off your ........ and stop sitting there with a long face!
a) chest
b) head
c) stomach
The builder was late again today. If he's not here at 9.00 tomorrow I'm really going to give him a ........ of my mind.
a) piece
b) bit
c) part
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Moods and Emotions
a) high
b) wide
c) deep
2) I'm as pleased as ........ to be nominated for the award.
a) punch
b) push
c) pull
One minute Sue was quite happy and the next she stormed off in a ........ of pique about a comment someone had made.
a) act
b) fit
c) sign
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Character Traits
a) stone
b) soil
c) salt
Our daughter's teacher has got a heart of ........ and is always prepared to spend extra time with the children to help them with their work.
a) silver
b) gold
c) jewels
I'd be careful what you say to Stephan. He's got rather a ........ temper.
a) fast
b) quick
c) snappy
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
a) fingers
b) thumbs
c) hands
We've been up to our ........ in work lately. I've never known it to be so busy.
a) nose
b) hair
c) eyes
You'll never persuade him to help you with the garden. He's bone ........ .
a) idle
b) lazy
c) still
Monday, May 18, 2009
a) ignited
b) exploded
c) dropped
I put a brave ........ on things but I was actually feeling quite sad.
a) look
b) face
c) view
Rather than trying to fight a losing ........ you should accept you were wrong and move on.
a) battle
b) war
c) struggle
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Power and Politics
a) at
b) on
c) in
I really don't know who to vote for. Can't I just ........ on the fence?
a) sit
b) stand
c) lie
Mathew is a useful person to know as he has friends in ........ places.
a) main
b) big
c) high
Friday, May 15, 2009
Thursday, May 14, 2009
a) spark
b) light
c) flame
Clare shouldn't really be thinking about meeting someone new yet as she's still ........ the rebound.
a) on
b) in
c) at
You won't get any sense out of Alex at the moment. He's head over ........ in love.
a) toes
b) heels
c) feet
Angela's Challenge - 2 medals each - totalling six good ones
1. The brutal military regime has .... fear into the whole population.
2. She ... a match and lit another cigarette.
3. The management and the employees eventually ... a bargain.
1. She’s been ... a grudge against her boss ever since her transfer was refused.
2. ... criminals is an offence in law.
3. I’m certainly not ... a secret passion for that man, if that’s what you’re thinking.
1. Her doctor was at ... in not sending her straight to the specialist.
2. It’s depressing to have someone always finding ... with your work.
3. I can’t phone my Dad - there seems to be a ... on the line.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Time and Frequency
a) late
b) delayed
c) overdue
What are you waiting for? Give her a call now. There's no time like the .........
a) reality
b) immediacy
c) present
We just popped into the travel agent on the spur of the ........ and booked a holiday.
a) instant
b) moment
c) time
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
a) money
b) change
c) cash
Have you seen that new car Salvatore has bought? That must have cost a ........ penny.
a) pretty
b) nice
c) shiny
Instead of paying through the ........ for expensive designer clothes why don't you look around in one of the ordinary shops?
a) eyes
b) nose
c) mouth
Saturday, May 09, 2009
a) periods
b) time
c) hours
Edward was my right- ........ man during my time with the company.
a) hand
b) arm
c) side
There's a very clear pecking ........ in the organisation and everybody knows their place.
a) order
b) level
c) system
Wednesday, May 06, 2009
Sunday, May 03, 2009
Checking pronunciation
I hope you enjoy it.
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Open Cloze
Mamma Mia! The Movie will no (1)... find its audience. There will be women of a certain age who will embrace its joie de vivre. And there will be men of a certain persuasion who will adore its kitsch appeal. Beyond these two demographics, (2)..., the movie skids into the arena of cultural car crash. (3)... on stage the flimsy conceit of Catherine Johnson’s `story’ is bulked up with showbiz razzmatazz, on the big screen (4)... thinness is stretched into diaphanous toffee.
Like Across the Universe, Mamma Mia! is a collection of hit songs in search (5)... a storyline. But (6)... the former, it has established its theatrical legs, playing in 170 cities across the globe. Songs like Honey, Honey and Money, Money have been twisted and tweaked to serve new narrative ends, ending up both (7)... a vibrant paeon to Abba and a sort of Shirley Valentine on amphetamines.
Here, we have Meryl Streep as Donna, a doughty, hard-working single mother running a ramshackle hotel on a Greek island. Her daughter, Sophie (Seyfried), is getting married and, behind Donna’s back, has invited the three men that her mother slept with around the time of her conception. Sophie feels that (8)... she discovers the identity of her father, she cannot know who she really is. And so Pierce Bosnan, Colin Firth and Stellan SkarsgĂ„rd roll up, (9)... to claim the daughter they never knew they had.
Watching the likes of Karen Silkwood, James Bond and Mr Darcy grapple with the familiar hooks of Benny Andersson and Bjorn Ulraeus’ timeless tunes is akin to indulging in some (10)... of blood sport. While, as (11)..., Ms Streep rises dynamically to the occasion, Brosnan is laughed off the screen as he manfully butchers SOS (‘How can I even try to go on…’). The real star is Christine Baranski, who brings spit and polish to her role as Donna’s friend, Tanya.
There’s gusto to spare, but in the cultural banquet of the film musical, this is strictly choux pastry.
Friday, April 24, 2009
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Great site
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Speaking task
To see the world
To go globetrotting
To develop cultural awareness/cross cultural understanding
To become more open-minded
To break down barriers
Cultural/national stereotypes
To have fixed opinions
To become more tolerant
To experience first hand
Mass tourism
Effect on the local population/indigenous population
Tourist trap
Expressions to offer examples:
For example
For instance
Take...for example
To give you an example
By way of example
A case in point is
To illustrate this
To show you what I mean
1)The new owner is known to be ruthless and his first action is likely to be getting rid of any dead ......... in the organisation.
a) foliage
b) matter
c) wood
2)If I can only get my foot in the ........ somehow I'm sure I can make an impression.
a) building
b) door
c) room
3)The deal isn't cut and ........ yet but I'm pretty confident we'll agree terms.
a) dried
b) tied
c) dyed
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Reflecting on the use of English paper
You have heard the term 'lexical chunks', which are items of language that consist of a few words and cannot really be called 'grammar' or 'vocabulary' but are something in between. Some
examples are language items like the following:
- 'come to light' as in 'New evidence came to light during the police investigation.'
- 'go according to plan' as in 'The party went according to plan and everyone was pleased.'
How might this knowledge be tested? In Part 1 (Open Cloze) or Part 3 (Gapped sentences) you may have to supply a missing word from part of that lexical chunk. In Part 4 (Key Word Transformations) you may have to supply the whole item.
Hope this has helped you somehow, folks!
Keep on blogging!
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
This week's snack
I am one of the students responsible for this Friday's snack. As we have not made arrangements yet, I am thinking about taking two cartons of juice. Enough? What are the other members of "team C" taking? Keep me posted.
Friday, April 10, 2009
CPE sentence transformation exercises
Hope it is useful and you have some fun!
Missing u!
Thursday, April 09, 2009
Gapped sentences
1. I had to spend hours to sort out all those documents – what a _________________!
2. All around her birds whistled their happy tune as they went about their ______________.
3. The manager suspected that there had been some monkey _______________ going on in the office.
The Speaking paper, which lasts for approximately 19 minutes, consists of 3 parts. The typical arrangement is of two students and two examiners, one acting as interlocutor and assessor, the other as assessor.
Part 1: Conversation between the interlocutor and the candidates
Part 1 consists of the interlocutor asking the candidates to introduce themselves by giving information about themselves and offering opinions. This 'ice-breaker' will last approximately 3
Part 2 Conversation between the two candidates
Part 2 consists of a two-way conversation between the two candidates who will be required to use visual and verbal prompts to carry out a task. This task will require the candidates to evaluate, compare, give opinions or speculate about a particular subject and will last approximately 4 minutes.
Part 3 Long turn plus discussion
Part 3 consists of a long turn by Candidate A during which he or she responds to written questions on a prompt card (2 minutes). Candidate B is asked to respond with their own views on the topic in question (1 minute) and then both candidates respond (1 minute). The process is then repeated with Candidtae A taking a long turn and Candidate B responding.
Post comments asking Angela Dias any further questions and earn a medal for your relevant particpation!
Tuesday, April 07, 2009
my apologies...
Oh, guys, I owe you an apology for last Friday. When I decided not to go to Cultura, I’d completely forgotten about the snack. It was terribly irresponsible of me not to go, so, I’ve got to atone for my sin...
Next class (17th of April, right?), even though I’m not taking part in the group who is going to provide the snack, I’m taking something to keep you sweet. =P
Forgive me, guys, and remind me when it comes closer to the date; I’ve got a mind like a sieve...
CheersMonday, April 06, 2009
Key Word Transformation
Mary ___________________ last week.
2. If you buy me a chocolate bar, I’ll give you my phone number.
____________________________ a chocolate bar, I’ll give you my phone number.
3. Your bedroom is a complete mess!
Your bedroom ___________________________!
Sunday, April 05, 2009
1. I think the fact that she hasn´t had the good grace to apologise _____________ volumes about her.
2. When he _____________ round after the operation, he had absolutely no idea where he was.
3. Terry was finally brought to _____________ for fiddling the accounts.
4. Your office won´t be ready until next week, so could you use Room 11 just for the _______________ being?
Saturday, April 04, 2009
All you want to know about English
See you, folks!
In the meantime keep up the excellent work!
Friday, April 03, 2009
Ask the Bards
Lets play a CPE vocabulary game on SOPHISTICATED ADJECTIVES?
- This is a chain game that takes as long as the pot boils;
- Each one posts an adjective starting from the last letter of the previous word. Ex: good - dear - radical - ...
- Only 3-syllable (minimum) or compound adjectives are accepted (we're CPE holders to be, right?)
The first word is given below.
Have a Blast!
Wednesday, April 01, 2009
A bit of Morphology to spice your lives
It appears that hypertension has an additive ______ effect on overall prognosis in the diabetic. DELETE
The structures are based upon organic droplets in an ________ medium. WATER
Stalin's body was _________ removed from the Moscow Mausoleum. CEREMONY
1. What is the ___________ of play in the current negotiations?
2. Their band often plays at the White House on __________ occasions.
3. Ames´dismissal had left him in a distressed _________ of mind.
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Monday, March 30, 2009
Complete each sentence with a different word.
1. She'd been with the same company such a long time, she felt she needed a change of ______ .
2. If he wants to carry on living here, he's going to have to change his ______ .
3. That Italian restaurant is nowhere near as good since it changed ______ .
4. She took a change of _____ in her suitcase as they were staying overnight.
Use of English, part 4
Complete the second sentence so that it hĂĄs a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between three and eight words, including the word given.
‘My trainer’s foreign accent makes it hard to follow what he says’, Sue said.
Sue explained to me that it __________ it hard to follow what he said.
I wonder what happened to Hans; he’s normally on time for an important meeting.
I wonder what’s happened to Hans; it’s most __________ for an important meeting.
For me, his skill as a negotiator was most impressive.
I was most __________ negotiator he was.
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Have a great week you all.
Use of English
1. The local buses charge a ________ fare of 70p to the town centre.
2. Jeff's demand for a meeting with management was met with a _______ refusal.
3. My car battery's completely ___________ because I must have left the lights on all night.
Brainstorming Moment!!!
You must all know by now that there's more to this exam than just making small talk in English. Your English needs to be at least OUTSTANDING, and being acquainted with some expressions is a great starting point.
Hence, let's carry out a brainstorm moment, shall we?
Write a small paragraph which contains 5 expressions with names of 5 different ANIMALS.
Are you mighty enough to withstand this challenge?
Happy postings
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Their ___________________ a year later.
2. You should always be grateful for what you are given.
You should _______________ the mouth.
3. The tourists were unharmed after the train crash.
The tourists _______________ for their experience in the train crash.
Fill in the gaps with the same word:
1. I can't make up my mind on which candidate to choose. They come across as ________ of a muchness to me.
2. _________ as I would like to stay, I really need to go home.
3. I'm not ___________ good at this exercise.
What do the missing words mean?
Have fun!
LesliĂȘ Mulico
Friday, March 27, 2009
Having some fun
A) The new boss seems to have _________ a shine to you. She's giving you all the easy jobs!
B) Despite being like _________ and cheese they've both been very successful as a business partnership.
C) I've _________ touch with so many of my old friends. I must make an effort to contact them soon.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Let me contribute...
What's the word?
1. We were swept ________ by her eloquence.
2. I don't know what went wrong with our relationship, but somewhere _______ the line we just stopped loving each other.
3. Kate's already agreed, but it's going to be harder persuading Mike to go ________ with it.
;). have fun, mates
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Some word formation for you, guys!
Today's word: "CONTRIBUTE"
1. The charity are very pleased to have received several ........ from local businesses.
2. She has been a regular ........ to the journal since it was first published.
3. Increasing workload was seen as a ........ factor in his decision to resign.
Up for grabs!
Monday, March 23, 2009
List of collective nouns
if you have trouble with collective nouns as I do, here's a list from Wikipedia...
Have fun
Snack Time!
USE OF ENGLISH PAPER (detailed reminder)
Part 1: Open Cloze
A text containing 15 gaps. Candidates must supply the single, misssing word for each gap. The focus of this task is on both grammatical and lexical patterns. To prepare for this exercise candidates should learn grammatical and lexical 'chunks' including, for example, collocations and set expressions.
Part 2 Word Formation
A text containing 10 gaps each with a corresponding stem word. Candidates must supply the correct form of the stem word to complete the gap. This might entail the addition of a prefix or suffix, (help x unhelpful) creating a compound word (book x bookcase) or changing the spelling of the word (high x height). It is very possible that more than one change will be required. Candidates will benefit from keeping systematic records of new vocabulary.
Part 3 Gapped sentences
6 questions containing 3 sentences each with one gap. Candidates must supply the one word that is common to each gap. The word will be the same part of speech for each gap. This word will usually be part of a set expression or collocation and therefore preparation should involve learning vocabulary 'chunks'.
Part 4 Key Word Transformation
8 questions each requiring the candidate to rewrite a sentence. The question will consist of a prompt sentence followed by a second sentence with the middle words gapped. The candidate must supply the missing 3-8 words so that the second sentence has the same meaning as the first. Candidates will need to develop their ability to paraphrase and could do this by recording synonymous expressions.
Part 5 Comprehension Questions and Summary Writing
4 questions based on two texts and a summary writing task of approximately 50 to 70 words. The four questions do not require full sentence answers but the summary must be written in complete, accurate sentences in the candidate's own words.
Post comments asking Angela Dias any further questions and earn a medal for your relevant particpation!
All about paper 5

Post comments asking Angela Dias any further questions and earn a medal for your relevant particpation!
Go for it, people!
That's her performing like Eliza Doolittle, she's brilliant...
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Talk, talk, talk...
Some sentences with the word "talk" for you to have fun; complete them with different words:
1) I stayed the whole morning in bed with my husband having some ________ talk.
2) The professor talked my essay _________ just because I'm not a toady to him.
3) He didn't buy our idea at first, but we managed to talk him ___________.
English Proverbs
BBC - Learning English site
I've found this site that may be interesting for our practice. I hope you enjoy it.
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Try this one, guys
A) You started here as a young man and have worked your ______ to the top.
B) Kevin always switches off when he leaves the office and you'll never catch him talking __________ .
C) I've been looking for a program that will help me weed ________ all the junk email I keep getting.
Friday, March 20, 2009
The defenders are ___________________ of another attack.
She glanced _______________________ over her shoulder.
If provoked, it defended itself ___________________.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
The Catherine Tate Show
Lauren Cooper (cockney 'gal')
Valley Girl (American teenager)
Posh Family (Supposedly with a posh southener accent)
They're all worth watching. Just so we don't feel very bad whenever we don't catch what they say, in The States all the episodes are subtitled because they can't understand most of what's said on this show either.
And this last one is definitely a chalenger; I couldn't find one subtitled, though:
Have fun!
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Word Formation
What about some activities on word formation?
Today's word: "LIMIT"
1. We will offer you totally ........ access to our health club with this insurance scheme.
2. Are there any ........ as to what this new system can achieve?
3. Wind power could offer us a ........ supply of energy if only we invested more in research and development.
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Let´s practice!!!!
1. She knew beyond __________________ that I was a person who could be trusted.
2. Unemployment has brought into ____________________ the right of married women to work.
3. Are you calling my professinal competence into ___________________?
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Objective Proficiency
Sunday, March 08, 2009
This is my last contribution this month. I expect to see your own contributions from now on, OK?
'The experiment was a complete failure and they had to go back to the drawing ........'
'Changes to the workforce are far-reaching and will be felt across the .........'
'All the passengers were told to get on ........ the ship and prepare for departure.'
Thursday, March 05, 2009
Try this one for another medal!
'He'll be perfectly safe on the trip and won't come to any.................'
'Why don't you ask for a pay rise? There's no ............... in trying.
''I'm sorry. I didn't mean any ................ I haven't hurt you, have I?'
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Medals anyone?
'The film was so gripping that it .............. my interest from start to finish.'
'She once .............. some shares in the company but now they are worthless.'
'Police .............. the man suspected of murder for further questioning.'
Friday, February 13, 2009
Fellipe FCS.