Monday, February 27, 2012

Word of the day

And the word of the day is...

I'm sure levi and Angela will mention the perils of not managing time during the completion of the CPE exam.

We don't want you to be like those eggs in peril!


Luiz Agrizi

Monday, February 20, 2012

Gapped Sentences - 10 medals!

Think of one word only which can be used appropriately in all three sentences.

Click on the image above to visualize this challenge a little better.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Double pronunciation of the day

Be attentive to AmE x BrE issues in pronunciation!

Click on the word to check both ways of pronouncing it.


Same thing holds true for "inhospitableness" and other derivations.

Still wondering about "sod off" and "freeloader"? Pass the mouse ;)


Luiz Agrizi

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Word of the day

And the word of the day is ...

Click on the word to check the definition!

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Let the ride begin!

1st class! I feel happy, anxious and motivated! :)”

By quoting Renata Cardoso ,who is just like you, cpe-holders-to-be I deliver my fisrt post, a short but punchy one ;). Coincidences apart, I feel just like her: Happy , anxious and motivated.

I was more than thrilled when Levi Ramos, who for sure kindled a spark of interest within me when it comes to teaching English, invited me to be a contributor in this blog. ( I was his student once during a Teacher Training course ).

Now, are my posts going to be read? How can I make them sound interesting, relevant and fruitful, not tedious nor unappealing? This apprehension about future uncertainties is also growing inside.

This one thing I’m sure of: I have an inner drive whenever I take up something new. We all do, actually. We’re curious by nature! But how am I going to sustain this effort and blog ultil December 2012? I just don’t know! And I’m eager to find out!

All in all, I genuinely believe one “cannot not feel excited” when joining a new learning experience. It’s up to you ,however, finding your learning style and best schedule in order to keep engaged and nor stray from your main goal: Pass CPE.

“It’s a helluva roller-coaster ride. The ups and downs will make you scream sometimes, it’s hard believing when the thrill is gone, but you gotta go and ride again , hold on!” Adapted from J. Bon Jovi’s song “Lie to me”.

Best of luck! You’re in awesome hands!

Luiz Agrizi.

Nooooooooooooo… it’s not over. Thinking of Paper 3, part 5 ( use of English – summary , right? Lol ) An easy task to start your engines:

Find in the text : 1.

a. A phrase which would be a synonym to “ extremely happy”

b. A possible definition for anxiety

c. Intrinsic motivational energy

First correct answer gets 15 medals ( 5 each )

2. how about brainstorming all possible derivations for the words "happy" ," anxious" and "motivated". Some fo them are already in the text. 1 medal for each word.