Monday, February 20, 2012

Gapped Sentences - 10 medals!

Think of one word only which can be used appropriately in all three sentences.

Click on the image above to visualize this challenge a little better.


Diogo Kubrusly said...

Would it be "dived"?

Levi Ramos said...

Nope... keep on trying! Don't give up!!!

Bruno Lamas said...

I would say immerse!!!

Luiz Agrizi said...


you should be attentive to the verb form .

even if "immersed " were the correct answer you would have gotten it wrong .

The sentences suggest a past or past participle form, propably from a regular verb! ;)


Levi Ramos said...

GREAT tips, Luiz!!
OK! Let's make it a bit more exciting! The first to come up with the correct answer will be awarded 15 medals instead of only 10. At this point I'd ask the CPE holders to kindly hold their horses and let the remaining contributors go for it!

Keep on BLOGGIN' y'all!

Luiz Agrizi said...

15?! can I have a go? hahahaha I know this one! Ok, my horses are actually caged and locked at this stage of the game. Holding them only did not help much. lol.

Come on , guys! 15 medals !!!!!!

Ana Araujo said...

Is it "drowned"??

Angela said...

The verb in question could be used in the sentences below.

The car ~d headlong into the river.
The pool was declared open and eager swimmers ~d in.
The bus came off the road and ~d down an embankment.
He ~d from a tenth floor window.
She ~d straight into her story.
The car had ~d off the road.
A climber ~d 300 feet to his death.
A rise in interest rates ~d the country deeper into recession.

Diogo Kubrusly said...

Ok! I was thinking of "jumped".
Is that right?

Angela said...

Sorry, Ana and Diogo. Keep on trying!

Diogo Kubrusly said...

Isn't that "jumped"?!
God! I'm really running out of ideas...
I need to give this one a lot of thught.

Levi Ramos said...

hummmm... should I raise the number of medals to be awarded to the first to come up with the right answer?

What say you, Angela and Luiz? ;)

Keep on BLOGGIN' y'all!

Luiz Agrizi said...

I suggest 20 medals ! but deadline will be March 2nd. what do u think?

Angela said...

Levi and Luiz,
Can I tell them the first letter of the word? ;-)

Levi Ramos said...

Go ahead, Angela! Luiz, How about stretching it a little further? But you will definitely be the judge!!!

Keep on Bloggin' y'all!!

Elaine Machado said...

Would it be plunged?

Luiz Agrizi said...

ok, March 5th. Monday ! ;)

Levi Ramos said...

Congratulations, Elaine!!!

You've got 20 shiny ones!!!!!!

All hail the newest champion!!!

Angela said...

Congrats, Elaine!

Luiz Agrizi said...

way to go, Elaine !!!