Sunday, April 08, 2012

Listening Challenge - 3 medals each correct answer

You will hear part of the audio of a TV show in which a reporter and a historian speak about great medical discoveries. Complete the sentences with a word or short sentence.


Deborah said...

My answers to the Listening Challenge are:

1. Infection of the uterus
2. midwives
3. conduct all toxins / an auto mechanic / hands washed
4. Invisible metal / maternity
5. a chlorine solution
6. source of infection
7. typhoid fever
8. behalf / germs / sour
9. heat treatment
10.povers/ fringe hanging down / lots of bric-a-brac
11. directly attributable
12. immune
13. dairy business / afflicted cow
14. fever / sores
15. withdrew pus / dairy man
16. innoculated / slight fever / blisters
17. even further / ravies / humans
18. polio / twentieth century

Levi, I hope my answers are right. I broke my back doing this activity. It's very intersting by the way. :)

Levi Ramos said...

Spot on, Deborah! Congrats!!

Follow This link and check your answers!!!

I'll be posting your medals soon!

In the meantime,
Keep on Bloggin' y'all!!