Monday, March 15, 2010

An unexpected business call...

First answer these questions about the audio:

1) What's the caller's name?

2) Where's the caller from?

3) What business deal is the caller trying to get done?

4) Which idiomatic expression does the caller use to have an estimate of how much it will cost to close the deal?

Now, in order to get medals anyone should answer the first four questions correctly and come up with an interesting question about the audio themselves, which should in turn lead to at least 2 comments. The best comments will also get medals.

Let's have fun!!!


Thiago Sardenberg said...

That's a tough one!
I *guess the answers could be these: Her name is Becky, she's from Dublin, and she's calling a demolition man to have him destroy her school. The expression she uses to have the estimate of how much it would cost is "a ballpark figure".

If I had to add another question to the listening, it would be "What are the ways mentioned through which the school could be destroyed and which is the girl's favorite?"

Levi Ramos said...

Your participation is duly noted, Thiago! Thank you very much!
Now let's wait for some more participation (including those answering your questions, Thiago) so that I can announce who the medalists are.

Y'all keep on blogging!

Ana Beatriz said...


This recording is really funny.
The girl, Becky, calls a demolition company because she wants to have her school destroyed. She asks the "demolition man" to knock it down and she wants him to make sure that all her teachers are inside because they give her too much homework on Friday.
She asks the man how much it will cost, and the expression she uses is "give me a ballpark figure". Oh, I forgot something: she's calling from Dublin.

I guess that's it.

Levi Ramos said...

Cool, Bia!!!

Don't forget to answer Thiago's questions and add a couple of questions yourself. I'm sure there's plenty in addition to discuss concerning vocabulary. I hope the other contributors are as motivated to join us here.

Keep on blogging!
Y'all rock, big-time!

Ana Beatriz said...

Hey, it's me again.

Answering Thiago's questions:
The ways mentioned through which the school could be destroyed: they could blow it up or knock it down. She says it'll be better to blow it up (although during the conversation she mentions several times to knock it down or knock it to the grounds).

I just noticed she ends the call saying "See you after" and not see you later... I think I've never heard that before. Is it common?

You want me to add a couple of questions, Levi? Well, I'm not very creative right now, but let's see...

1) Becky uses an expression almost at the end of the conversation. She says "fill your boots, man" What does it mean?

2)Before talking to the "top man", Becky talks to one or two people who use two different expressions to ask her to wait. What expressions do they use?

3) She asks the man if it'll make a crash or a wallop when the school falls down. What does it mean? What is she talking about?


Levi Ramos said...

Excellent questions!!!!
Anyone to take Bia's Challenge?

Keep on blogging!!!