Sunday, June 20, 2010

TWO medals each!

The English language is filled with alliterations and repeating words which are used to convey specific ideas. Ping-pong, peepee, pooh-pooh, flip-flop, and riffraff are examples of such phenomenon to name but a few.
In the sentences below, substitute the italicized parts of the sentences by an alliteration which should convey exactly the same meaning as that of the original sentence. You will be provided with the first letter of each correct answer. Have fun!

I know my house is cluttered, but all these small objects that I've collected are important to me. "B"

Do you hear that sound of horses' hooves on the pavement? I think there's a horse coming this way. "C"

I like to lie in bed and listen to to the tapping noise of the rain in the morning. "P"

When I return, I want to see that you've cleaned up your room and made it very orderly. "S"

I am going to place the star at the highest point of the christmas tree. "T"

Stop beeing so indecisive. Just make up your mind! "W"

I know I'm going to be on the phone for at least an hour with my aunt. Every time she calls I have to put up with her talking nonstop about nothing. "Y"



Ana Beatriz said...

Well, let me try....

1. small objects that I've collected = bits and bobs

2. sound of horses' hooves on the pavement= clip-clop

3. tapping noise= pitter-patter

4. very orderly= shipshape

5. highest point= tip top

6. indecisive= wishy-washy

7. talking nonstop about nothing= yada yada yada

Is it correct?



Levi Ramos said...

Ata girl, Bia!!