Tuesday, October 12, 2010

I'm back! Complete the sentences with one suitable word. One medal each.

A) My nan's too set in her to go out and buy a dog, even though I know she'd love the company.

B) Harry was always the and soul of the party, really considerate and a great friend.

C) All you seem to get on TV these days are second-rate celebrities who think they're the cat's .


Ana Beatriz said...

Hey, man! It's great to have you back!

I think I know the answers to your challenge:

1. ways
2. life
3. whiskers

Are they correct?

Gotta go. I spent most of the day studying and I'm really tired.

Take care. I'll keep praying for you.



P.S. We've been missing you a lot. Teacher's room is not the same without you. ;-))

Angela said...

You're back already!
Happy birthday tomorrow!

Levi Ramos said...

Thank you guys!!!
3 medals Bia!