Saturday, July 09, 2011

Each set of three sentences to be completed by a single word! 15 medals

The hospital would only give news to Trudy's ....... family and not her friends and distant relatives.

The law will take place with ........ effect.

The patient reported experiencing ........ benefits following the operation and is not expected to need any further treatment.

My computer has run out of ........ and it crashes everytime I try to download anything.

My brother has a marvellous ........ for historical facts.

After the accident he suffered from a loss of ........ and didn't even recognise his wife.

For instructions on how to wash this garment, please see the inside .........

The teachers have given him the ........ of troublemaker when actually he is a very intelligent child.

We need one more sticky ........ for this present. Have you got one?

The official book ........ will be in early March but many advance copies have been distributed already.

The police will ........ an enquiry into the murder.

The Queen is due to ........ the new cruise liner later this month.

When you drive down our road you can't ........ our house. It's got a red front door.

The tutor has such a quiet voice. I always ........ half of what she says.

It's all a bit hit and ......... really. Nobody really knows whether the project will be successful or not.


Verônica said...

Great exercise! Here are my answers:

1. immediate
2. memory
3. label
4. launch
5. miss

Diogo Kubrusly said...

1. real
2. memory
3. label
4. open
5. miss

Matheus said...

The first one is immediate! it collocates with family...

Matheus said...

1- immediate

Levi Ramos said...

Bingo, Ana (Matheus)!!!!
Fifteen shiny ones on the way!!!!