Sunday, March 18, 2012

Gapped sentences - 15 medals!

Click on the image above to get a larger picture and a better view of your challenge!


Ana Lucia said...

I´m torn between "overcome" or "subdued"

Levi Ramos said...

While you are torn between those two words, I am torn apart to have to tell you you've missed the target this time...

But don't lose heart! maybe you you'll want to start over and beat Elaine, who has recently broken your record!!!You are more than welcome to try! I believe it's your right, after all!!!


Bruno Lamas said...

I believe it´s suffocated!!! Is that right???

Levi Ramos said...


Keep on trying!!!

Ana Araujo said...

Could it be "beaten"?

Levi Ramos said...

Sorry. That's not it...

On you should go!!!

Ana Lucia said...

Uncle Levis, I´m not really into competitions, I do hope someone gets more medals than I have up to now..But come on...give us a clue!

Levi Ramos said...

LOL!!! Very well, Ana!! Your wish is my command. This adjective can be a synonym for "overcome", even though overcome would not collocate in sentences 1 and 3. It can also be a synonym for "overpowered", but, again, it would not collocate in all 3 sentences. What this adjective has in common with its aforementioned synonyms is that it is formed by the very same prefix (OVER+root+ED).

Now go for your medals, everyone!!!

Ana Araujo said...

It must be "overwhelmed", then...

Levi Ramos said...

Bull's eye, Ana Araújo!!!

15 shiny ones on the way?

Felipe Alves said...


It might be silly of my part, but I thought about 'engulfed'. Wouldn't that be (also) appropriated for the gaps?? If not, please, Do not hesitate in correcting me.


Levi Ramos said...

Not really, Felipe...
Let me give you a hint:

Besides this link you can always google any phrases in English and check the number of occurrences. If you find out the rate is high you can feel pretty confident the words do collocate.

Cheers and keep on BLOGGING!

Angela said...

Great link, Levi!