Tuesday, March 08, 2011

Gapped sentences - Three medals

Think of one word only which can be used appropriately in all three sentences.

My father .......... at the same branch for over thirty years.
They had .......... on their parents to pay off their debts for them.
Instead of landing, the plane .......... and headed away from the airfield.


Diogo Kubrusly said...

I'm not that sure about this one...
Would it be WORKED?

Levi Ramos said...

No, Diogo.
Maybe if you ask Laurel she might give you a tip on this one...

Where could she be now? LOL

Diogo Kubrusly said...

I got it Levi!

Diogo Kubrusly said...

Hello Laurel!
How are you doing?
So... as Levi suggested, would you mind helping me to solve this puzzle?

Laurel P. said...

Hi everyone! Wow, this is a tough challenge. Here's my clue: think of a word related to money!

Diogo Kubrusly said...

Many thanks for your help Laurel.
How about LOANED?
Is it the right one Levi?

Levi Ramos said...

Not really, Diogo...
Tell you what, just because this might actually be a really tough one, I'm rewarding whoever comes up with the right answer with 6 (SIX) medals instead of just three!

How about that?

Blog away, y'all!!!

Lúcia said...

Am I right?

Levi Ramos said...

Bingo Lucia!!!

You are a medalist!!!!
Welcome to the hall of champions!!!

Lúcia said...

Thank you, Levi!!!