Monday, March 14, 2011

Not quite ready for the CPE...

Your Creative comment will get you medals!


Lina Karoblyte said...

I praise the Lord for not having such a sympathetic teacher around :)) I just know someone as nearly kind as this girl in the video :)))hahahaha just kidding:))

Levi Ramos said...

Just for your funny comment, you just earned yourself a medal!

Analu said...

Well, I´m happy no lorry has actually smashed into my family´s car...but I´m even happier to notice that despite my difficulties my teacher really listens to me, and treats me like a human being...never pushing me to the edge...:))))

Levi Ramos said...

LOL!! A shiny one is on the way for you, Ana!!!

Diogo Kubrusly said...

Ohhh God!!! This video is just what the doctor ordered for us.
I mean, I'm also very glad that a lorry didn't smashed into my family's car. But this video also show us that every cloud has a silver lining. Even facing such difficulties the girl was able to take some advantage from the tragic event. She improved her English skills - with a little supportive help from her 'sensitive' friend!!!
But of course we don't need to have anyone killed to improve our English. Hahahahahaha...

Levi Ramos said...

Thank you for your comment, Diogo!
You got a medal!!

Keep on blogging!